My name is Yocheved Lifshitz. Born in 1938. Born on this land. Thank you for listening to my story.
This ordeal was a great difficulty. Never thought I would reach through this state. They went bezerk in our kibbutz. Killing and taking people. Put me on a motorcycle. And drove through the fields.
They blew up the electronic fence. That was built with $2.5 billion shekels to no avail. And they took captives of all backgrounds.
I was on a motorcycle. A person in front. A person behind. I was in between with legs to the side. They drove through the fields. On the way, they hit me with sticks. It was painful, but I was not hurt. They took off the watch and jewelry as I was driving.
When we got there, they told us they believed in the Quran. They told us they would not harm us. They told us we would live in the same conditions as them.
We started walking through the tunnels. Wet grounds. Extreme humidity. We reached a large hole where 25 of us were gathered. After 2-3 hours, they separated us.
Their guards were next to us. With a paramedic and a doctor. We laid there on mattresses. They took care of the sanitary situation. Doctor came every 2-3 days to check on us. A paramedic was there as well and provided some of our medications.
A guy that was brought was wounded very badly in his hands and legs. It was difficult to see him. He is a better condition now. The doctor prescribed some sort of antibiotics. His condition started improving.
We were 5 and each had a guard in charge of us. They took care of all our needs. There were a lot of women there. They provided us with all hygiene supplies that women need. They cleaned us, as they feared that they themselves would be affected by disease.
We did not speak about politics. They spoke about all sorts of things. They were friendly towards us. They provided us medications. And they were treated our injured.
They divided us into groups according to our kibitzes. We ate the same food as they eat. Cucumber with cheese. Meal for all day.
My last message is that we are the scapegoats, as the IDF were not prepared and completely unaware. The IDF did not address this seriously. On Saturday morning, there was a heavy bombardment of our communities. They opened the gates of the kibbutz and came in groups. I keep having those images in my mind.
I shook the hands of Hamas because they were gentle with us, treated us kindly, and provided for our needs. Including the needs of the women.
Source: @propandco and MintPressNews