Tribunal Hearing
Case No.1 – CP – 2011
Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission V. George W. Bush & Anthony L. Blair
19-22 November 2011
The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal unanimously found former United States President George W. Bush and former British Prime Minister Anthony L. Blair guilty of “crimes against peace”.
The Tribunal found that the 2 had planned, prepared and invaded the state of Iraq on 19 March 2003, in violation of the United Nations Charter and international law.
“The charge is proven beyond reasonable doubt. The accused are found guilty”.
“War crimes have to be dealt with, convict Bush and Blair as charged. A guilty verdcit will serve as a notice to the world that war criminals may run but can never ultimately hide from truth and justice,” the statement read.

The Tribunal noted that the UN Security Council Resolution 1441 did not authorise any use of force against Iraq but the US proceeded to invade Iraq under the pretext of the 11 September attacks and weapons of mass destruction.
“Weapons investigators had established that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. Iraq was also not posing any threat to any nation at the relevant time that was immediate that would have justified any form of pre-emptive strike.
With the findings, the Tribunal has ordered that Bush’s and Blair’s names be included in the War Register of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission.
It also ordered the findings of the Tribunal to be publicised to all nations who are signatories of the Rome Statute.

Click the picture below to read or download the full Tribunal proceedings of Case No.1 – CP – 2011:
Second Sitting of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal Hearing
Case No.2 – CP – 2011
Chief Prosecutor Of The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission V. George Walker Bush et al.
7-12 May 2012
The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal convened on 7 May to hear charge of Crime of Torture and War Crimes against former US President George W Bush and his associates, namely Richard Cheney, former US Vice-President Donald Rumsfeld, former Defense Secretary, Alberto Gonzales, then Counsel to President Bush, David Addington, the General Counsel to the Vice-President, William Haynes II, then General Counsel to Secretary of Defense, Jay Bybee, then Assistant Attorney General, and John Choon Yoo, fomer Deputy Assistant Attorney-General.

Click the picture below to read or download the full Tribunal proceedings of Case No.2 – CP – 2011:
Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission Hearing on Palestine
20-21 November 2012
The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission has a public hearing on Palestine before a capacity audience of some 500 persons at the Putra World Trade Centre.
Nine persons namely Mr Salah TH Al-Sammouni, Mr Mahmoud AH Al-Sammouni, Mr Nabil, NM Alissawi, Mr Jawad IH Musleh, Dr Walid SM Alkhatib, Ms Chahira Abouardini, Ms Taghreed Ahmed Yasseen Khalil Nimat, Ms Anne K Sunde and Prof Paola Manduca appeared before the Commissioners to give evidence as either eye or expert witnesses.
On 31 December 2012, the commission issued its findings and reccomendations for the consideration of the Chief Prosecutor.

It is the Commission’s Findings that there is sufficient evidence of:
a) War Crimes under and by virtue of Article 11, Part 1 of the Charter,
b) Crimes Against Humanity under and by virtue of Article 9, Part 1 of the Charter,
c) Genocide under and by virtue of Article 10, Part 1 of the Charter.
against the people of Palestine Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon pursuant to Article 2, paragraph 2(ii) and (iv) of Part of the Charter committed by General Amos Yaron, the Government of the State of Israel and the Government of the United States of America.
Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal Hearing Against Amos Yaron and the State of Israel
Chief Prosecutor Of The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission V. Amos Yaron And The State Of Israel
21-24 August 2013
The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal (KLWCT) was scheduled to sit for four continuous days, to hear 2 sets of charges filed by the Chief Prosecutor of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission Tribunal (KLWCC).
The first charge is against Amos Yaron for War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide. The second charge was against the State of Israel for the Crime of Genocide and War Crimes.
On the first day of the Hearing, the prosecution made an application that Judge Eric David be recused. The judges unanimously rejected the application by the prosecution team.

Chief Prosecutor then sought leave from the Tribunal for a victim representative of the victims group to address the Tribunal. Leave was granted. In the morning of the second day, an adult male victim then addressed the Tribunal and repeated the concerns by his Counsel Prof Gurdial Singh Nijar.
The Tribunal noted that no evidence was tendered detailing the safety concerns of the victim. Prof Gurdial then made a formal application for these proceedings to be adjourned sine die.
Circumstances beyond control of the Tribunal had derailed this important judicail proceedings. As a result, on the afternoon of the second day, the Tribunal adjourned the proceedings sine die.
Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal Hearing Against Amos Yaron & the State of Israel Reconvened

20-25 November 2013
The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal (KLWCT), reconvened for 5 continuous days, to hear 2 sets of charges filed by the Chief Prosecutor of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (KLWCC) consisting of Case No. 3 CHG 2013 the KLWCC v Amos Yaron and Case No. 4 CHG 2013 the KLWCC v the State of Israel.
The Prosecution team consisted of Professor Gurdial Singh Nijar, Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman, Mr Avtaran Singh, Ms Gan Pei Fern, Dr Shahrizal Mohd Zin, Ms Diyana Sulaiman, Ms Mazlina Mahali, Ms Rafika Shariaah Hassan and Mr Nizamuddin.

After considering the evidence adduced by the Prosecution and submissions by both the Prosecution and Amicus Curiae on behalf of the 2 Defendants, the Tribunal found, beyond reasonable doubt, that the First Defendant, Amos Yaron is guilty of War Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide and the Second Defendant, the State of Israel is guilty of Genocide.
Below: The Amicus Curiae (Defence) Team consisted of Mr Jason Kay Kit Leon, Ms Larissa Jane Cadd, Dr Abbas Hardani, Dr Matthew Whitbrodt, Prof Dr Rohimi Shapiee and Dr Rohaida Nordin.